Planning Tools

Planning tools is where your customer’s dream retirement begins, with your help powered by our technology to help you stand out among your competitors.


When there are many pensions providers in the market, competition can be tough but what can help you stand out? Without a unique selling point, you can easily be in the mix of the ‘same as the others’ category on the ‘pensions providers I should consider’ list your potential customers made. The last thing we want for you is to lose out on business because your potential customers picked another provider over you.

The ideal situation to happen in this scenario is that you stand out from everyone else on that list, but how?

Introducing you to CTC’s Planning Tools solution, the only solution you need to help your customers plan for their dream retirement and make it come true. The solution will help your customers map out their digital journey for financial modeling, which will ensure your customers are aware of their financial circumstances now and during their retirement without having to privately hire an adviser to do so at a high cost.

With Planning Tools, you can help your customers understand where they financially stand and what actions they can do to ensure that their dream retirement is possible and not just a hopeless dream.

Using Planning Tools can help you empower your customers to:

Be aware

Contribute more

Aim for their desired goals

This is a perfect solution for you if you are looking to:

Digitise your processes

Automate your workflow and processes

Upscale your business

Increase members’ engagement


About Planning Tools

Trusted by many providers for over 30 years, we have been committed to enhancing our solution over the years and ongoing. Our tools are backed by a strategic calculations engine, Elements, allowing actuarial assurance ensuring that our clients are kept ahead with the innovation curve.

With the flexibility that CTC’s Planning Tool offers, you are able to implement our Planning Tool with any existing system. More information on the modules is below.


Planning tools

Target income

Tax Calculator

Personalised video


Key features:

  • Multiple individual planning modules available in the Planning Tools

  • Flexible API and can be deployed to work with any existing system

  • UX & UI to enhance members’ journey Development

  • Member Engagement focused to help increase members’ interest


A game-changing digital journey for your financial modeling

What’s in it for your organisation

A fully digital workflow

Cut down time on manual tasks

Track process and progress

Monitor everything via a central dashboard

The flexibility to implement the full Planning Tool technology or pick the modules of your choice

We work with you to set everything up

What’s in it for your members?

An engaging personalised video

An informative video in a digestible format

Everything will be explained in a language that members will understand

Updates will not get lost in the post

Revisit the information any time directly from the customer’s own account


Modules in Planning Tools

With the flexibility of CTC’s Planning Tools, you may deploy this as a full solution that includes all the modules mentioned below or pick and implement only the modules that you require.


Personalised video

Helping you easily create an engaging unique tailored video for each member just by inputting the custom field and a couple of clicks. This is a game-changing way to increase your engagement without putting in a lot of effort.

More on personalised video campaign


At retirement planning

Allowing your members who are approaching their retirement to plan for their future by creating their retirement plan with no complications and from the comfort of their own home.


In retirement

A specialist calculator to help members calculate the longevity of their plan. This helps members to be aware of the consequences of their decisions and change anything before finalising their decision.


Accumulation Planning

Allowing members to plan ahead of time to understand how much they are required to contribute to receive their desired income during their retirement.


Retirement income targeting

Based on the PLSA guidelines, this helps members plan for their lifestyle and living standard in retirement based on multiple factors: house, food, transport, helping others, leisure, personal life i.e. clothing. Members will complete a questionnaire provided by our technology to target each specific area of their retirement life and make adjustments to make their desired living standard possible. To simply put this, it is a future budgeting tool.


Sustainable income

Similar to a retirement calculator, this helps members plan their retirement income and help them plan on how they can make it last longer by allowing members to adjust their income to a percentage of their remaining fund.



Saving the cost and hassle of hosting applications, CTC typically provide its applications under a SaaS model. We are however equally comfortable supporting an on-premises deployment.


Download Planning Tools brochure